Jesus gave His life to love me, and despite what it costs me, I can think of no greater calling than to love someone else in the same way that Jesus loved me.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


What is love?

You know that question that, (I mean come on, you have to admit) comes to your mind once in a great while... What exactly is love?  But really... What is it?  It's sort of a question that constantly lingers in the back of our minds.  A lot of us have maybe been in a "love" relationship with another person.  Maybe you've ended up hurt.  Sometimes after that happens it can be extremely difficult to love again.   So you ask yourself the question, what is TRUE love?  A love that's never going to let you down.  I have a little secret to share with you.  It's a secret of a love that never gives up, always hopes, always trusts, and never fails.  Sound impossible?  I thought so too for a while.... but then I encountered a God who showed me the true meaning of love.

Love is giving up everything .  And I mean everything.  To be willing to die for someone, to be willing to give up even those things that are most important to you.  Love is to honor someone.  Love is to literally give your heart to someone else.


The first time I encountered a love like I'm explaining was the best time of my life. This man, this God.... He came to me when I was at my lowest point.  When I felt trapped in my sin, and caught up in myself and my fleshly desires.  This man, He looked at me in that time and with tears in His eyes He said "That one right there.  She belongs to me.  She is my daughter."  And He came over me with a love so strong I have never been the same since.  This man is Jesus Christ.  Who left eternity to enter time, divinity to wrap himself in humanity.  He left peace, and for the first time felt pain.  He was mocked, beaten, nailed to a tree, humiliated.  He did all of this so that us, yes us, wicked, filthy sinners, could enter into a relationship with Him.  So that we could be free to love Him.  He desires you!  You are the desire of His heart.  He died for you.  YOU!  He thought of you as He was being nailed to that cross.

He knows you.  He knows your weakness.  He see's your pain.  He see's it all.  He memorized you.  You are always on His mind.  He wants to be the one that you run to in times of hardships, in times of pain and hurt.  He longs to hold you.  To comfort you.  To love you.  He is always there with His arms wide open, waiting for you to come.

His love NEVER fails.