Jesus gave His life to love me, and despite what it costs me, I can think of no greater calling than to love someone else in the same way that Jesus loved me.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

triumph through trials

{{For when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow. 
So let it grow, for when our endurance is fully developed,
you will be strong in character and ready for anything.  James 1:3-4}}

We have all been there.  In the garden of grief.  Those times were we find ourselves on our knees, weeping, crying out to Him for help.  Sometimes we find ourselves questioning.  "Why God did You bring me here?  To a place of hurt, disappointment, betrayal..."  I know I, myself have been there plenty of times.  Its rough.  Sometimes I find myself asking Him why He couldn't have found a way less painful, a way that wouldn't hurt as much as this.
   The truth is, He knows EXACTLY how we feel!  He was in the same spot when He was in the garden the night He was betrayed.  He also asked for a less painful way.  But He also KNEW that it was Gods purpose, and that the ultimate victory was at the cross.  He trusted the Father.  Just as olives must be crushed to make oil, so He was crushed and poured out as a love offering to us. 

He is testing us.  Refining us.  Our faith is more precious to Him than gold. As it says in 1 Peter 1:7;  "These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world."

   We have to go through the nasty stuff, to get to the beautiful.  The pain, the hurt... in the end, it will all be worth it to see His beautiful face at the finish line, and to hear Him say; "Well done child.  You have won."  
The trials this world throws at us are meant to give us endurance and teach us how to fully rely on Christ.  We can't do these things, or go through them on our own.  He gives us His Spirit to live inside us, and walk with us in our lives daily.  
   And when the weight of your circumstances begin crushing down on you, He tells you to come to Him in prayer, and to lay all of your burdens at His feet.  

The time will come, to leave that garden, and He will lead you straight to the cross where your trials will be transformed into triumph. 


Monday, October 6, 2014

striving for holiness

1 Peter 1:16  
{{since it is written, “you shall be holy, for I am holy."}}

holiness isn't just something we should have in the back of our minds, holiness is a lifestyle.  a lifestyle that God calls us to live and serve in.

holiness is being set-apart.  being in the world, but not of it.

from experience i know how difficult it can be to live up to Gods standard of holiness (as it said in 1 Peter to be holy as HE is holy)  those are some big shoes to fill! (or should i say sandals ;))  God is perfect.  faultless, blameless, pure, and upright.  NOBODY can compare.  we are human.  we fall, we stumble, we sin... its natural for us to do so.  living a holy lifestyle isn't about being perfect and never sinning.  but we are also called to confess - when we do fall short, when we do stumble.  we are called to repent, to turn away.  we are also called to forgive not only others, but ourselves.  to love.

we should always have the mindset of pursuing holiness.  everyday.  ask God to help you with those things in your life that get in the way of pursuing that.  our flesh is weak, but the Spirit is willing.  its about taking up our crosses daily and denying ourselves and our flesh.

{{Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, bringing holiness to completion in the fear of God.}} 2 Corinthians 7:1

{{Pray, ask, repent, forgive, love.  That is how you pursue a holy lifestyle.}}

Friday, September 26, 2014

walking in humility and servant hood

{{whoever wants to become great among you, must become a servant}}
we are all called to a life of greatness.  well, what does that look like?  well first, it starts with humility. when we can learn to humble ourselves, and start walking in that humility is when we can best become a servant to those around us, and most of all, to Jesus.  that means putting others needs before our own - denying our flesh, living by the Spirit.  He is calling us out of our comfort zones - into stormy waters.  this life is a life of servant hood.  one where we start saying no to us, and saying yes to Him.   God gives us the choice.  to sacrifice of ourselves to magnify Him, or to live a "me focused" life.  this world is full of hurting people, and i used to find myself asking God, why?  why would He create a world full of sin, and hurt and then sit back and watch and not do anything about?  then came my answer.  He told me "I did do something, I created you."  when i started living my life from that aspect, that i was created for the purpose to bring His healing to this world and to others, thats when my life of servant hood really began.  not that i wasn't serving before, but that put a whole new perspective on things.  we are called to live like Jesus, right?  in the bible it states;
"for even the son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many" [mark 10:45]
this verse made me fall in love even more with the Father.  He is so good.  how i want to be like Him.

just some food for thought, something that has been placed on my heart lately.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


What is love?

You know that question that, (I mean come on, you have to admit) comes to your mind once in a great while... What exactly is love?  But really... What is it?  It's sort of a question that constantly lingers in the back of our minds.  A lot of us have maybe been in a "love" relationship with another person.  Maybe you've ended up hurt.  Sometimes after that happens it can be extremely difficult to love again.   So you ask yourself the question, what is TRUE love?  A love that's never going to let you down.  I have a little secret to share with you.  It's a secret of a love that never gives up, always hopes, always trusts, and never fails.  Sound impossible?  I thought so too for a while.... but then I encountered a God who showed me the true meaning of love.

Love is giving up everything .  And I mean everything.  To be willing to die for someone, to be willing to give up even those things that are most important to you.  Love is to honor someone.  Love is to literally give your heart to someone else.


The first time I encountered a love like I'm explaining was the best time of my life. This man, this God.... He came to me when I was at my lowest point.  When I felt trapped in my sin, and caught up in myself and my fleshly desires.  This man, He looked at me in that time and with tears in His eyes He said "That one right there.  She belongs to me.  She is my daughter."  And He came over me with a love so strong I have never been the same since.  This man is Jesus Christ.  Who left eternity to enter time, divinity to wrap himself in humanity.  He left peace, and for the first time felt pain.  He was mocked, beaten, nailed to a tree, humiliated.  He did all of this so that us, yes us, wicked, filthy sinners, could enter into a relationship with Him.  So that we could be free to love Him.  He desires you!  You are the desire of His heart.  He died for you.  YOU!  He thought of you as He was being nailed to that cross.

He knows you.  He knows your weakness.  He see's your pain.  He see's it all.  He memorized you.  You are always on His mind.  He wants to be the one that you run to in times of hardships, in times of pain and hurt.  He longs to hold you.  To comfort you.  To love you.  He is always there with His arms wide open, waiting for you to come.

His love NEVER fails.